Time is Running Out …

Black Public Media
2 min readApr 16, 2024


by Leslie Fields-Cruz

PitchBLACK is next week! If you haven’t already reserved your spot, you’d better act quickly. Time is running out. There are only a few in-person slots left and the registration for virtual and in-person attendance closes this Friday, April 19.

Andromeda Turre (credit: F. Mathis)

I’m delighted to report that in addition to everything else we’ve planned for the PitchBLACK Awards next Thursday evening, April 25, jazz singer Andromeda Turre will join us to present a musical selection. If you aren’t already familiar with her work, I recommend you check it out on your favorite music app. Her appearance is going to make what is already designed to be a fantastic evening even more unforgettable.

As a warm up to PitchBLACK, I also encourage you to register for one of the Sam Pollard Film Retrospective screenings that are happening across the country and virtually. Our Engagement Manager Eboni Johnson-Kaba has curated a terrific slate of Pollard’s films as well as several virtual and in-person opportunities for audiences to engage him in conversation about his work. Go here to consult the Retrospective schedule.

‘AfroPoP’ 16 is Poppin’

Still from “Kati Kati,” a film by Mbithi Masya

In other news, I invite those of you who are AfroPoP lovers to check out this week’s premiere of Kati Kati, a remarkable drama by Kenyan filmmaker Mbithi Masya.

Also, our AfroPoP digital short for this month features a Director’s Roundtable discussion with Masya and the other three Season 16 filmmakers.

Funding Opportunity

Finally, those of you who are working on films that address climate issues should consider applying for the Redford Center’s Open Call. They are looking for environmental nonfiction feature films or docuseries, at any stage of development, production, or post-production.

BPM has worked closely with the Center over the past year as our fall Open Call focused on climate issues. We are thrilled with the projects that emerged from that call, which you’ll see if you come to PitchBLACK. The environtmenal storytelling guidance and support provided by our friends at Redford Center was invaluable.

Thanks to all who’ve helped us prepare for this year’s PitchBLACK Forum and Awards program. I expect it to be the best yet!

— Leslie Fields-Cruz is the executive director of Black Public Media



Black Public Media

Black Public Media (BPM) develops, produces, funds, and distributes media content about the African American and global Black experience.